Wednesday, January 14, 2015

My favorite meal to make.

This post isn't so much about sewing. This one is more about what type of food I like to make for my lunches. This meal is what I like to call: Veg. It is my favorite meal to make. My Great Grandmother and my mother both love the food. 

Veg Recipe

Zucchini (1 or 2)
Can of Green Beans (1 or 2)
Ham (Lunch meat ham or pre-cooked ham is the best)- You can really use any kind of meat, but ham is my favorite. I have also used Turkey burger and hamburger. 
Carrots (Slice them thin)
Onions (1 or 2)
Sweet peppers (One big one)
and Cabbage. 

I put Olive Oil or vegetable oil in the pan. Put the Peppers and Onions in first as you cut up the rest of the veg. The ham should go in last. Stir it occasionally until the veg is the right consistency. 
I usually put Garlic powder, seasoned salt, and pepper in it.

I am feeling hungry just typing it. Whenever I visit my grandmother she always requests that I make this meal for her. I usually do it twice a week. We also usually invite two of my cousins and my aunt to come eat it with us. 

You can really add any type of veg you want. I have also used Summer Squash before in it. If you load the pan full you can have leftovers for at least two other lunches. 

I hope you enjoyed this delicious blog post. (=

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