Sunday, June 8, 2014

Sewing. Hard or easy?

I have had many friends over the internet ask if I find sewing hard or easy. I suppose it is a matter of perspective. I find it hard but many other friends that I know who sew find it easy.

If you can knit and sew I will give you my perspective on both, listing both good and bad things about each.

With sewing it requires a lot of math (or so they tell me) and measuring. The measuring and ironing can become very tedious if you do it for an extensive amount of time. But the end result is very nice. The other downfall is that if you make a mistake you can spend hours seam ripping one item, which can set you back a few days.

With knitting it requires a lot of memory. You need/can memorize a pattern and forget where you are. Then you need to count all the stitches with the pattern in mind. Or you can loose a stitch and not notice it until three or four rows later. By then its too late and you need to pull it out and redo it.

Both can be very difficult, depending on how you look at it. In my opinion knitting is relaxing and sewing is a little more stressful.

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